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Biofield Tuning & Sound Massage

An Ancient Science

Restorative Himalayan Singing Bowl Therapy.Rest and relax as one vibration moves into another, surrounding pitches of harmony and melodic intervals.Bowls are placed specifically on and around the body sounded by mallets of diverse material for contrasting tones, raising and uplifting your internal vibration towards it's natural state.

90 Minute Sound Session

With Gong Bath

In addition to receiving a Restorative Himalayan Singing Bowl therapy session, allow an array of soothing sound waves of the wind gong bring your biofield to balance and attunement.The sounds and vibrations of the wind gong distract the mind from overthinking and allowing yourself to be fully present in this experience.


4 One Hour Sound Sessions

With Gong Bath

Within any field of practice, training, or study. The more an individual stays consistent with an activity, the more apparent the benefits will become. This goes for yoga practice, weight lifting, learning a language, as well as harmonizing the body. 

This is by far the most valuable option for those seeking noticeable changes among clearing and elevation.


With Gong Bath

Sharing with someone you care about is not only a powerful bonding experience, it's a synchronization of energetic flow tailored to both individuals as one vibration weaves into the next creating a lasting attunement.

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Maternity Session

With Gong Bath

Gentle and Soothing tones delicately arranged for one of the most tranquil sessions of deep relaxation and comfort. In 18 weeks of pregnancy your baby hears it's first sound. Connected in the womb, Sound travels through the water both mother and child share.

A Bonding experience of natural Harmony.


Austin Texas



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